CUBESETCOUNT function: Description, Usage, Syntax, Examples and Explanation
What is CUBESETCOUNT function in Excel?
CUBESETCOUNT function is one of Cube functions in Microsoft Excel which returns the number of items in a set.
Syntax of CUBESETCOUNT function
The CUBESETCOUNT function syntax has the following argument:
- Set: A text string of a Microsoft Excel expression that evaluates to a set defined by the CUBESET function. Set can also be the CUBESET function, or a reference to a cell that contains the CUBESET function.
Explanation of CUBESETCOUNT function
When the CUBESETCOUNT function evaluates, it temporarily displays a “#GETTING_DATA…” message in the cell before all of the data is retrieved.
Examples of CUBESETCOUNT function
=CUBESETCOUNT(CUBESET(“Sales”,”[Product].[All Products].Children”,”Products”,1,”[Measures].[Sales Amount]”))