Sum if one criteria multiple columns in Excel
This tutorial shows how to Sum if one criteria multiple columns in Excel using the example below;
To sum multiple columns conditionally, using one criteria, you can use a formula based on the SUMPRODUCT function. In the example show, the formula in H5 is:
How this formula works
This first expression in SUMPRODUCT is the criteria, checking if cells in B5:B10 contain “red”. The result is an array of TRUE FALSE values like this:
This is multiplied by the values in range C5:E10:
The result inside SUMPRODUCT is:
which returns 24, the sum of all values in C5:E10 where B5:B10=”red”.
Contains type search
SUMPRODUCT doesn’t support wildcards, so if you want to do a “cell contains specific text” type search, you’ll need to use criteria that will return TRUE for partial matches. One option is to use the ISNUMBER and SEARCH functions like this: